
RochesterAquatics Logo



Rochester Diving Club is a part of the Rochester Swim Club (RSC). RDC is a nonprofit club that offers diving for both beginners and advanced divers. The coaching staff is dedicated, experienced, and AAU/USA Diving certified.

All information regarding diving practice is detailed on this page. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding Rochester Diving Club.

  • Practice is offered five (5) days per week
  • Registration is offered based on how many practices your diver will practice each week, 1-5 days.
  • Attendance will be taken at each practice - if you miss a week - talk to the coach!
  • All practices are held at the Rochester Recreation Center (21 Elton Hills Drive NW - Rochester, MN). The facility has two 1 Meter and two 3 Meter diving boards. The 3 Meter boards are located on their own tower
  • It is a requirement for all female divers to wear a one piece swimsuit

2024-2025 Season:

  • Registration will be ongoing, no sessions.
  • There is a monthly fee
  • Once registered, your credit card on file will be billed on the 1st of each month. 


  1. AAU Diving Insurance completed (needs to be completed once per year) - Register HERE
  2. You MUST select Rochester Swim Club as your Club Membership
  3. Required to be completed before any diver can participate in practice
  4. ALL DIVERS must at least register for Athlete for an additional fee required
  5. We will see your divers name added to the roster for AAU Diving once you complete & pay for the registration.

Billing Adjustments

If your diver wants to take a break or adjust their schedule - email coachjj@rochesterswimclub.com 10 days prior to the 1st of the month.  We will pause the billing.  When your athlete is ready to come back, you are able to re-register via Captyn, and you can pick your days. 

Scholarship Information

Scholarships are offered in-house after verification of need.

Families enrolled in the School Nutrition Program and SNAP are eligible for partial scholarships.

Please send verification to coachjj@rochesterswimclub.com.

Diving Schedule


REC Center

21 Elton Hills Dr NW

Rochester, MN


Youth & Team

  3:00 - 5:00pm

Adult Diving

5:00 - 6:00pm

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday

Youth & Team

7:00 - 8:30pm

Starts Monday, September 11th 2024

No practices 10/31, 11/6 & 11/7, 11/27 & 11/28, 12/5, 12/24 & 12/25, 12/31 & 1/1/25


Fees are determined by how many practices per week your diver will attend.

1 practice/week 2 practices/week 3 practices/week 4 practices/week 5 practices/week
$75/month $100/month $150/month $200/month $225/month


ALL Diving Questions:

Coach JJ (Jeremiah Jackson)


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