
RochesterAquatics Logo

Notable Policies at a Glance

  • No cancellations once registration is complete
  • No refunds, credits, or adjustments will be offered
  • No makeup lessons are offered
  • Swimmers placed in levels below or beyond their ability *by more than one level* will be dropped
  • Locker rooms are shared with other groups and may be unavailable on certain days.

Swim Agreement

I, as the parent and legal guardian of a swimmer(s) who is/are participating in the SwimAmerica Swim School, hereby agrees and understands that swimming is an inherently dangerous activity which may expose Participant(s) to the risk of serious physical injury, including but not limited to paralyzing injuries and death. On behalf of Participant(s), I hereby assume all of the risks of participation in the SwimAmerica Swim School, realizing that liability may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective equipment of property owned, maintained or controlled by them or because of their possible liability without fault.

In consideration of permitting Participant(s) to participate in the SwimAmerica Swim School, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Rochester Swim Club Orcas, its instructors, volunteers, employees, teachers, coaches, directors, and agents (i) from and against any liability resulting from any injury, disability, death, property damage, or property theft which may occur to Participant(s) while participating in the SwimAmerica Swim School, weather or not damages or loss is due to negligence, and (ii) from any and all liabilities or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of Participant(s) actions while participating in the SwimAmerica Swim School.

I hereby authorize any representative of the Rochester Swim Club Orcas SwimAmerica to have the Participant(s) treated in any medical emergency during their participation in the SwimAmerica Swim School. Further, I agree to pay all costs associated with such medical care and related transportation for the Participant(s). I have noted on the bottom of this form any medical/health-related problems of which the SwimAmerica Swim School Staff should be aware. I hereby acknowledge that my child/children is/are physically fit and capable of participation in all SwimAmerica Swim School activities.

No Refunds, Cancellations, or Make-Ups Policy

The "Big Mac" Policy

I understand that all registrations are final. No cancellations will be approved. No refunds will be issued. 

I understand that no makeup classes are offered for missed lessons. If Rochester Swim Club Orcas SwimAmerica cancels a lesson due to weather, unexpected pool closure, etc., the organization will make every effort to accommodate and reschedule that class within that session. Make up classes are not guaranteed. I understand that there are no makeup classes for my child missing lessons due to personal reasons, illness, vacations, other commitments, etc.

I have read and understand the cancellation policy and how all communications are handled regarding cancelled swim lessons.

I understand that all registrations are final. No cancellations will be approved. No refunds will be issued. 

*Summer swim lessons may be held outdoors. If cancelled due to weather, Rochester Swim Club Orcas SwimAmerica will try to make options available for makeup classes; make up classes may be limited due to pool availability. Weather related make up classes are not guaranteed.

I understand that all registrations are final. No cancellations will be approved. No refunds will be issued. 

Medical Release Policy

I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian for my child(ren). I hereby give my permission for any supervisor, coach or other team administrator associated with the Rochester Swim Club to seek and give appropriate medical attention for our child(ren) in the event of an accident, injury, illness. I will be responsible for any and all costs associated with any necessary medical attention and/or treatment.

I hereby waive, release and forever discharge Rochester Swim Club from all rights and claims for damages, injury, loss to person or property which may be sustained or occur during participation in Rochester Swim Club activities, whether or not damages or loss is due to negligence. I hereby acknowledge that my children is (are) physically fit and capable of participation in all activities.

Liability Policy

By registering my child(ren) with the Rochester Swim Club SwimAmerica, I agree to participate (or allow my child(ren) and family members to participate) in the Rochester Swim Club SwimAmerica , and hereby release Rochester Swim Club SwimAmerica,  their officers, directors, employees, and agents, its directors, officers, agents, coaches, and employees from liability for any injury that might occur to myself (or to my child(ren) and family members) while participating in the Rochester Swim Club SwimAmerica program, including travel to and from training sessions, swim meets or other scheduled team activities.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the above mentioned organizations and/or individuals, their agents and/or employees, against any and all liability for personal injury, including injuries resulting in death to me, my child(ren) and/or other family members, or damage to my property, the property to my child(ren) and/or other family members, or both, while I (or my child(ren) or family members) participating in the Rochester Swim Club SwimAmerica program.

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